“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us”


Hey reader,

Thank you for being here!

Before telling you a few things about me, take a moment and think what travel means to you and what is your dream?

You are here to witness my trial-and-error process of living my dream and building a business to support my mission: help people travel with less stress and saviour more their journey, no matter the destination they chose for their trips.

I am Alexandra, genuine in love with travel and everything that has to do with it. Have I travelled a lot, I would say NO, but this is one of my goals. Am I an expert in travel consultancy, the answer is again no.

Then, you would say why someone would want to work with me while setting up their travel plans.

Well, I put all my good energy and knowledge accumulated through my travels and work experience to create custom plans for any traveller interested to have a list of options while in vacation that call his or her name, not just part of a top 10 something. Sometimes is not always about being an expert but creating with love and joy the things you give to others as part of your work.

Traveling is most of the time part of our free time, the time we should cherish the most because those are the hours, days or weeks when we can literally choose what we want to do and do it.

People are different and so is and should be the way they chose to travel.

What I wish more for you is to enjoy any place your way and if travel planning is not your favourite part of setting up your next trip, let me help you find the activities that sparkle joy for you when you are vacationing.

In my day-to-day life I am a project manager and solopreneur by night, in love with plans, lists, organizing, people and of course traveling.

Did I say before that I love to travel and discover new places, cultures and people stories?

I am also a proud mummy of a curly girl and since most of my travel time was with my family, I am here to help you with tips when setting up your vacation with family as well.

I would say that in general I am a passionate, positive person, I like to make people laugh because I am in love with smiles and, since I have no talent to become a dentist, I try to find other ways to see people smiling.

I was born and I am located in Romania, but I think of myself as a citizen of the world, I’ve travelled mostly in Europe but also some parts of Asia and Africa. My bucket list includes mostly travel stuff and now I am trying to build also a business connecting me with my dream and people with their trips.

In the era of social media, we all tend to follow trends and so is traveling so most of us pick destinations also because they are popular or to fit in the trend. And that is not necessary a bad thing. What you should also keep in mind is that wherever you go, you should spend your time and money, your way. It’s very good to follow recommendations but don’t try to experience others way of traveling. Instead of fulfilling you, it will squeeze your energy and most probably you will come home exhausted and empty instead of richer.

One thing is said about travel is that is the single thing that costs you money, but makes you richer. And I definitely agree with it.

Whenever you travel your way and you enjoy your free time the way suits you, you discover pieces of yourself everywhere. And my goal is to help you discover yourself in new places.

My motto when talking about traveling is: Don’t forget yourself when you travel!

How can I help you?

    • Give you back your time you spend documenting your next vacation

    • Helping you add on your list, beside important information related to the destination, also those places that sound like you

    • Help you worry less for the next vacation

    • I am here with tips that would save you from doing the most common mistakes I did and in general people do

    • Answer your questions about your vacation and be a partner to talk on your next plans

Do I promise you a fabulous vacation?

No, that is up to you. What I promise is to squeeze all information regarding your destination to help you find those activities that you tell me match your soul. But it’s up to you how you decide to spend your time.

I can be a reminder that your fabulous moments were the ones you created for yourself, so is your next trip.

What I cannot offer you?

    • I am not an agency so I will not do reservations for you. I can help you find offers and good prices but I cannot guarantee what you will find upon arrival.

    • Depending on the location you choose, I can not help you with recommendations only I already tested myself. But I will make sure, I find and read for you all reviews and add my knowledge layer as well before a recommendation ends on your plan.

    • Assisted guidance while vacationing, although I will love help you while actually traveling depending on my time availability.

Beside the possibility to arrange your next trip with my help by booking one of the packages, what you will find also on this website are:

    • stories from travels with recommendations only from places I really enjoyed

    • tips and tricks for a less stress journeys

    • preparing for the journey tips: booking, packing etc.

    • family travel recommendations

How we can work together:

    • You book a 15’ connection call where we get to know each other and you tell me what is the best way I can help you

    • Depending on the package you chose you either send your details/ questions to me via email or we meet in a 1h call to see what would make your soul shine in your next journey

  • I am sending you your tailored travel plan that, of course, can be adjusted if you have other ideas. Usually if there are only a few questions related to your next vacation than I will send you your answer between 1 and 3 days. A full custom travel plan will be delivered between 2 and 3 weeks depending on how long your stay will be.

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